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Facebook Messenger

This notebook shows how to load data from Facebook in a format you can fine-tune on. The overall steps are:

  1. Download your messenger data to disk.
  2. Create the Chat Loader and call loader.load() (or loader.lazy_load()) to perform the conversion.
  3. Optionally use merge_chat_runs to combine message from the same sender in sequence, and/or map_ai_messages to convert messages from the specified sender to the “AIMessage” class. Once you’ve done this, call convert_messages_for_finetuning to prepare your data for fine-tuning.

Once this has been done, you can fine-tune your model. To do so you would complete the following steps:

  1. Upload your messages to OpenAI and run a fine-tuning job.
  2. Use the resulting model in your LangChain app!

Let’s begin.

1. Download Data

To download your own messenger data, following instructions here. IMPORTANT - make sure to download them in JSON format (not HTML).

We are hosting an example dump at this google drive link that we will use in this walkthrough.

# This uses some example data
import zipfile

import requests

def download_and_unzip(url: str, output_path: str = "") -> None:
file_id = url.split("/")[-2]
download_url = f"{file_id}"

response = requests.get(download_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
print("Failed to download the file.")

with open(output_path, "wb") as file:
print(f"File {output_path} downloaded.")

with zipfile.ZipFile(output_path, "r") as zip_ref:
print(f"File {output_path} has been unzipped.")

# URL of the file to download
url = (

# Download and unzip
File downloaded.
File has been unzipped.

2. Create Chat Loader

We have 2 different FacebookMessengerChatLoader classes, one for an entire directory of chats, and one to load individual files. We

directory_path = "./hogwarts"
from langchain_community.chat_loaders.facebook_messenger import (
loader = SingleFileFacebookMessengerChatLoader(
chat_session = loader.load()[0]
[HumanMessage(content="Hi Hermione! How's your summer going so far?", additional_kwargs={'sender': 'Harry Potter'}),
HumanMessage(content="Harry! Lovely to hear from you. My summer is going well, though I do miss everyone. I'm spending most of my time going through my books and researching fascinating new topics. How about you?", additional_kwargs={'sender': 'Hermione Granger'}),
HumanMessage(content="I miss you all too. The Dursleys are being their usual unpleasant selves but I'm getting by. At least I can practice some spells in my room without them knowing. Let me know if you find anything good in your researching!", additional_kwargs={'sender': 'Harry Potter'})]
loader = FolderFacebookMessengerChatLoader(
chat_sessions = loader.load()

3. Prepare for fine-tuning

Calling load() returns all the chat messages we could extract as human messages. When conversing with chat bots, conversations typically follow a more strict alternating dialogue pattern relative to real conversations.

You can choose to merge message “runs” (consecutive messages from the same sender) and select a sender to represent the “AI”. The fine-tuned LLM will learn to generate these AI messages.

from langchain_community.chat_loaders.utils import (
merged_sessions = merge_chat_runs(chat_sessions)
alternating_sessions = list(map_ai_messages(merged_sessions, "Harry Potter"))
# Now all of Harry Potter's messages will take the AI message class
# which maps to the 'assistant' role in OpenAI's training format
[AIMessage(content="Professor Snape, I was hoping I could speak with you for a moment about something that's been concerning me lately.", additional_kwargs={'sender': 'Harry Potter'}),
HumanMessage(content="What is it, Potter? I'm quite busy at the moment.", additional_kwargs={'sender': 'Severus Snape'}),
AIMessage(content="I apologize for the interruption, sir. I'll be brief. I've noticed some strange activity around the school grounds at night. I saw a cloaked figure lurking near the Forbidden Forest last night. I'm worried someone may be plotting something sinister.", additional_kwargs={'sender': 'Harry Potter'})]

Now we can convert to OpenAI format dictionaries

from langchain.adapters.openai import convert_messages_for_finetuning
training_data = convert_messages_for_finetuning(alternating_sessions)
print(f"Prepared {len(training_data)} dialogues for training")
Prepared 9 dialogues for training
[{'role': 'assistant',
'content': "Professor Snape, I was hoping I could speak with you for a moment about something that's been concerning me lately."},
{'role': 'user',
'content': "What is it, Potter? I'm quite busy at the moment."},
{'role': 'assistant',
'content': "I apologize for the interruption, sir. I'll be brief. I've noticed some strange activity around the school grounds at night. I saw a cloaked figure lurking near the Forbidden Forest last night. I'm worried someone may be plotting something sinister."}]

OpenAI currently requires at least 10 training examples for a fine-tuning job, though they recommend between 50-100 for most tasks. Since we only have 9 chat sessions, we can subdivide them (optionally with some overlap) so that each training example is comprised of a portion of a whole conversation.

Facebook chat sessions (1 per person) often span multiple days and conversations, so the long-range dependencies may not be that important to model anyhow.

# Our chat is alternating, we will make each datapoint a group of 8 messages,
# with 2 messages overlapping
chunk_size = 8
overlap = 2

training_examples = [
conversation_messages[i : i + chunk_size]
for conversation_messages in training_data
for i in range(0, len(conversation_messages) - chunk_size + 1, chunk_size - overlap)


4. Fine-tune the model

It’s time to fine-tune the model. Make sure you have openai installed and have set your OPENAI_API_KEY appropriately

%pip install --upgrade --quiet  langchain-openai
import json
import time
from io import BytesIO

import openai

# We will write the jsonl file in memory
my_file = BytesIO()
for m in training_examples:
my_file.write((json.dumps({"messages": m}) + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
training_file = openai.files.create(file=my_file, purpose="fine-tune")

# OpenAI audits each training file for compliance reasons.
# This make take a few minutes
status = openai.files.retrieve(
start_time = time.time()
while status != "processed":
print(f"Status=[{status}]... {time.time() - start_time:.2f}s", end="\r", flush=True)
status = openai.files.retrieve(
print(f"File {} ready after {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds.")
File file-ULumAXLEFw3vB6bb9uy6DNVC ready after 0.00 seconds.

With the file ready, it’s time to kick off a training job.

job =,

Grab a cup of tea while your model is being prepared. This may take some time!

status =
start_time = time.time()
while status != "succeeded":
print(f"Status=[{status}]... {time.time() - start_time:.2f}s", end="\r", flush=True)
job =
status = job.status
Status=[running]... 874.29s. 56.93s

5. Use in LangChain

You can use the resulting model ID directly the ChatOpenAI model class.

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

model = ChatOpenAI(
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("human", "{input}"),

chain = prompt | model | StrOutputParser()
for tok in{"input": "What classes are you taking?"}):
print(tok, end="", flush=True)
I'm taking Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, and Ancient Runes. How about you?